пр.Красноярский рабочий, 107 (ост. ТЮЗ)

Canon FDn 200/2.8

Canon FDn 200/2.8

26 сентября 2016 / 2251

The hero of the review — Canon FDn 200mm f/2.8 — is the second in the line of lens with a focal length of 200mm and a maximum aperture of f/2.8. The first version of the lens (FD) was marketed in 1975 and has designation C. S. S. (multicoated) on the rim. The second version (FDn) came out in 1979, when such a proud marking was not required — by default, all top-end Canon lenses has  multicoating. Opticaly the lenses stayed exactly the same. The third version, released in 1982, had an internal focus, different optical construction, smaller MDF and a slightly higher weight (730 grams).

The first thing that strikes the glass is unconditional, uncompromising sharpness!
Taking the first shot at full aperture, I was amazed at his detail.

canon fd 200 2.8

The color rendition at Canon FDn 200mm f/2.8 natural, the colors are fresh, and most of this applies to green and blue shades. Backlight lens holds up great — even without the hood. Meanwhile, she had fitted and very comfortable — with fleece inside and soft locking in the extended position. By the way, shaggy black coating is inside the lens — that's why almost all the dust particles that manage to penetrate there, immediately deposited in the pile, not on the lenses.

At full aperture the lens very noticeable vignetting, particularly at the corners of the frame. Besides, as I already wrote, on a wide open clearly show themselves chromatic aberration. However, this is, firstly, typical of any high-aperture optics, and, secondly, is easily treated in the modern RAW-converters.

canon fdn 200mm f/2.8

During shooting the lens fits the shape to the hand (in conjunction with the mirrorless). The focus ring is wide, comfortable, smooth — but you need to get used to that it rotates almost 360 degrees (so quicker to lock on focus when shooting fast scenes). The only moot point is the location and the size of the aperture ring. It is narrow and located very close to the camera — blind is not every time it changed.

With regard to the pattern of the lens, it is very close to that which is now issued at the long end of all four high-aperture version Canon EF 80-200/2.8 L; 70-200/2.8 L; 70-200/2.8 L IS and 70-200/2.8 L IS II). Comparing with direct analog — Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 II last, in my opinion, creates too smooth (not to say boring) picture. Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 in comparison, draws more freely, spontaneously, creatively — but you want to avoid variegated background from small fragments, he will turn into quite a chaotic side.
In General, I definitely recommend this glass to acquire how much more bugenyi, but definitely a creative tool with a rich potential.

canon fd 200


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